
a Dream Play by T. R. Pickerill

Theater of Yugen at Noh Space, San Francisco, CA

4/16, 4/17/2001

Written by Tim Pickerill, lights, staging and sound track, and fog curtain also by Tim Pickerill. Costumes conceived by Tim Pickerill and designed by Wendee Key, with the exception of 'Girts' costume and the 'Priests' costume, by Kaosmikitty and Steven Raspa respectively. Special thanks goes out to Steven Siegel for operating the lights, to Robbie Socks,, for video editing and photography, to Voitek Szymkiewics for video mixing, A. J. Kane for sound mixing, and Clyde Sheets for the video follow spot.

I would also like to thank Steven Siegal of Theater of Yugen for inviting me to perform this work as part of the ongoing 'monday night series,' and the entire staff at Theater of Yugen for all their help in presenting this production.



Steven Raspa

as the Priest



Olen Holmes and Tim Pickerill as the dopple gangers, and Joe 'the Body' Curcio as 'Nemo'

Tim Pickerill



Olen, Joe, and Tim

Brides maids

Monica Lewis,

Wendee Key,

and friend



as Girt the bride




© T. R. Pickerill- All rights reserved